always remember

Nothing is foolproof to a sufficiently talented fool... Make something
idiot proof, and the world will simply make a bigger idiot.

Bash Application – Simpler Exim Queue Management

Ever get stuck trying to remember the exim/exiqgrep/xargs commands at that one critical moment when you need to stop 800,000 spam mail getting delivered to Hotmail accounts? Me too.. So I made this to help. My other monitoring & alert scripts should have told you by now that you have a spam outbreak, so you’ll know which sending host its coming from. Fire this application up on that host to quickly and effectively manage the items in the mail queue.

#      Exim Tool       #
#         v0.2         #
#      Dave Byrne      #
printf "n########################n# VooServers Exim Tool #n########################nn"
printf "Select an option:nn1. Remove messages from queue by address/domainn2. Remove ALL messages from queuen3. Print detailed queue listingn4. Print quick queue summaryn5. Show simple mail queue item countn6. Print Exim's current activityn7. Test how Exim will route to an addressn8. Display headers, body or logs via Message IDnnEnter 1-8: "
read menuchoice
printf "n-----------nYou chose $menuchoicen-----------n"
case $menuchoice in
      printf "n1. By sending address/domainn2. By Receiving address/domainnnEnter 1-2:"
      read case1opt
      case $case1opt in
          echo "Enter full sending address or .*@domain.tld to remove from queue:"
          read rmargss
          exiqgrep -i -f $rmargss | xargs exim -Mrm
          exit 1
          echo "Enter full receiving address or .*@domain.tld to remove from queue:"
          read rmargsr
          exiqgrep -i -r $rmargsr | xargs exim -Mrm
          exit 1
      echo "Are you sure? Y/N"
      read conf1
      if [ "$conf1" = "y" ]; then
        exim -bp | exiqgrep -i | xargs exim -Mrm
        printf "nEntire Mail Queue Destroyed"
      exim -bp
      exim -bp | exiqsumm
      count=`exim -bpc`
      printf "nThere are $count mails in the exim queuenn"
      printf "n"
      printf "n"
      printf "n"
      echo "Enter full address to show route: "
      read routeaddr
      printf "n"
      exim -bt $routeaddr
      printf "n"
      printf "n1. Headersn2. Bodyn3. LogsnnEnter 1-3: "
      read msgopt1
        case $msgopt1 in
            printf "Enter Message ID: "
            read msgid1
            exim -Mvh $msgid1
            exim -Mvh $msgid1 > /var/tmp/$msgid1-header
            printf "nnMessage Header also saved to file: /var/tmp/$msgid1-headernn"
            printf "Enter Message ID: "
            read msgid1
            exim -Mvb $msgid1
            exim -Mvb $msgid1 > /var/tmp/$msgid1-body
            printf "nnMessage Body also saved to file: /var/tmp/$msgid1-bodynn"
            printf "Enter Message ID: "
            read msgid1
            exim -Mvl $msgid1
            exim -Mvl $msgid1 > /var/tmp/$msgid1-log
            printf "nnMessage Log also saved to file: /var/tmp/$msgid1-lognn"
      printf "nnInvalid option. Try again...nn"
      sleep 2
exit 1

Current features include:
-Remove multiple messages from queue by full address/partial domain
-Remove ALL messages from queue (Careful now..)
-Print a detailed queue listing
-Print a quick queue summary
-Show a simple mail queue item count
-Print Exim’s current activity
-Test how Exim will route to a given address
-Display message headers, body or logs via Message ID and save these to a file

dave / March 13, 2016 / Code, Linux Bash
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